Running from my Belly!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

why was i so scared???

Well last night i dragged my chicken ass to the local club and had a ball!
i very nearly chickened out and put it off for another day but i went and conquered my fear (quite what i was scared of im not sure)
i set out with the slower group having a chat etc but very soon was told i should stay with the faster group which i did and we ran 7 ish miles in and hour and had a chat with a few members-i will be back there next week and whats more i cant wait!!!

on the food front stayed just within points yesterday as i had to eat more than planned after such a hard run
Today again im on course for a good one

works weigh in challenge now stands at SNG 11st6lbs 14lbs lost and colleague 12st0lbs 17lbs lost so with 4 weeks to go i have the slight edge as my target is 11 st so 6lbs to go and his is 11st7lb and 7lb to go so all is up for grabs!!!

be good

Thursday, September 28, 2006

nervous as a kitten!

Well tonight i have promised myself i will go and try out the local running club and once the promise was made ive come up with a million excuses not to go !!! which all boil down to the fact that im a chicken!!!!!! so i am going to have to force myself out of the door and get my ass to the club which will be fine if i just get there!

Ran last night 4.75 miles in 46.30 which was an ok relaxed run more of a routine builder than anything-just trying to get myself back in to the routine of getting out the door and plodding, althogh i have trained a bit since i had my knee done i have never got back in to a decent routine!

diet wise i have been going ok and hope that the running/cross training have helped to keep me in check

be good folks take care

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

weigh in

well it just goes to show you dont get if you dont try!!
i weighed in and scales indicate a half pound loss which i was disapointed with but i have no right to be as over the last week i have slipped up more than i have in the last month so its all my own fault as my report card used to say COULD DO BETTER IF ONLY WORKED HARDER

So back to it with a new found enthusiasm and heres to a better loss next week

ideally 9 pounds to shift in four weeks but realistically id be happy with 4 so back to it!

Cross trained last night at optimum heart rate for 30mins/70%

will run 4-5 miles tonight

and maybe some more cross training before bed as other half is out tonight and it kills the time
be good everyone and i will!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

weigh day

well weigh day has come around very quickly but alas its here again will weigh in at home tonight as cant afford ww again will go next week but i will weigh tonight to give myself a clue of how the week has gone

other half tripped me up last night by bringing home a swiss roll type cake which had to be devoured between the two of us!!

Training wise i did a quick 3 mile hill/speed session which was quite a good session very tiring but really enjoyable

be good folks

Sunday, September 24, 2006

bliddy wet out!!

well just got in from a very wet 6 ish miler and i right enjoyed it!!
sometimes i think i get too obsessed with numbers and watches and times and things!!and i forget why i run i run cos i enjoy it today i plodded never looked at the watch just took it all in as i ran and i think i shold realy do it more often what a top run!
quick recap-friday pm i crorr trained for 30 mins and concentrated on heart rate and staying around 70% for optimum fat burning friday was also a good day on the food frontso thats positive
yesterday was a rest day as my knee was a little stiff after thursdays fast run and on the food front i did wel all day and then went to a friends for dinner which will have taken me outside my points but you do have to have a live as well as i weight loss also had few glasses of wine which may explain the very chilled out run this morning!

ill try slip some fat burning in before bed but no promises !

be good and keep at it

Friday, September 22, 2006


dont you think fridays are great, for the past week or so ive been feeling very low yet this morning with the prospect of the weekend looming and a good paced run under my belt i feel much better!!!!!

last night i ran,i did not take it easy,i did not protect my knee,i just ran and i ran fast(for me)and whats more it felt great!! managed 4 miles in 32.30 which is just shy of pb 10k pace!
i also slipped in 30 mins of fat burning on the e bike before bed.
knees a little achy this morning so will rest today(or maybe cross train tonight)
on the diet front yesterday was better i stayed focused and i stuck to the plan(if a little under points)and today WILL be the same!!

keep ploddin and pointin

Thursday, September 21, 2006


just when i was a little low something comes a long and shits on you from a great height !!!
i was a bid fed up, have been for a day or two, you know how it is things just mount up and get on top of you
been working long hours and lots of overtime for 18 months now all to save and pay for the wedding which is five weeks away now havent had much time for anything else
and as with many of you out there when things get on top of me i turn to food so ive gotta be strong and i have done this fairly well recently
well as i said yesterday i slipped up fine stylee on tues pm and after some very worrying news and a total panic i slipped a again last night and ended up eating out
we found out that the group that own the hotel we are getting married in has gone in to administration which was quite worrying to say the least and with only five weeks to go and many accounts/bills already paid up front we spent the whole evening trying to get some reassurance from the hotel that all will be ok
which although we were told all is ok and not to worry left us both feeling a little stressed and gutted
so pub meal it was and have to say very nice too!

missed my run whilst trying to sort things so will head out tonight and punish myself to the point that i sleep well!!

be good and ill try

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

wednesday is new start day-every week!

well after a succesful weigh in as reported last night i made a pig of myself dont ask me why but i did and it was a crap experience as it seemed beyond my control!! i knew i was eating like a pig and i knew it was ridiculus but some how i could nt stop myself and today i feel quite ashamed-because how on earth can i be in control of life etc if i cant even stop myself from eating 4 yes 4 chocolate bars(amongst other shed loads of shit) i really feel shit about it but i think its been comin for a while and i should have probably known that another weight loss would trigger it i find it so hard to get my head round the weight loss made me feel amazing i was jumping up and down at the scales yet the first thing i do is pig out to 'celebrate' how stupid ill have to work all the harder to shift any more yet this seems to be a cycle i cannot brake at the moment.
glad i got that off my chest as its making me pretty low at the mo i will sort the problem i will deal with it but it seems im not capable of that at the moment.

so today again is <> day and back to it diet well workout hard and reap those rewards at the next weigh in

will go for 3-4 mile plod tonight followed by some fat burning cross trainging before bed

be good happy wednesday

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

dreading tonights weigh in

well i thought i was on course for a good one tonight but i now feel like it may be a bad weigh in tonight i feel as fat as butter and really dont know why my legs are sore from sundays 10k which usually means a weight gain no matter how few points ive had!!!!
and last night i worked out hard ran two miles cross trained 10 min and exercise bike 10 min which was all spoiled as when i got back in the house my other half had cooked and thrown all caution to the wind and made a meal which mustve clocked 30 points!!!!!

so panic i will until im stood on the scales and then ill just pick myself up and plod on i suppose
very down on the whole thing today
be good

weigh in update

ww weigh in just over and not as bad as i thought lost 1 lb so now weighing in at 11st9lb for the 1st time in years its exciting at the mo as each loss is new territory!!!
anyway off for some tea
be good

Monday, September 18, 2006


well yesterday i made my comeback i ran a local 10k and did in 54.12 which i was very impressed with i came 171st in a field of 345 so in the top half as well!!
the downside came by way of a mars bar at the finish closely followed by an ice cream!!
but i did feel id earned it!
managed to keep points lowish the rest of the day but not sure it will have been enough
ww weigh in tomorrow first time for a fortnight so was hoping for a result but its wait and see now!
today has been ok ive eaten well and i will exercise tonight plod a couple of miles and cross train a bit

keep at it

Saturday, September 16, 2006

why am i so nervous????

Im feeling really nervou about the 10k im doing tommorow and i dont understand it!! theres no pressure im only doing it for me and to keep my hand in(shoud that be knee in?) but for some reason im bricking it-i have no intention of racing im just gonna plod and hope to get round in an hour ish my pb is 51 mins i feel like a race virgin all over again -how strange!

exercise has been as planned i did a 2 mile 20 min plod on road (first time on hard surfaces) and then a 30 min cross train sessioon before bed last night and a 20 min session before brekkie this morning have rested the rest of the day and taken it very easy and eaten like a saint !

be good


Friday, September 15, 2006

still trying

Well im still trying with the three meals a day thing and i cant believe how difficult it is
yesterday was better than wednesday and i managed on the three meals but todays a different matter by 11 am i was ready for murdering someone !!
but this really does prove to me that i am an addictive eater which i was sceptical about previously (thought it was a bit of mumbo jumbo)and i think pin pointing that is the start of controling it if i know im only craving food because im used to having it surely i can control that?? i will persevere with this as it has interested me and i think there is some sense in it!!

i cross trained last night which was ok if a little boring but i got out to the garage and i did it and that is the main thing!!!
tonight i will plod a little early evening and cross train last thing as the other half is bbsittying then up and straight out on sat am before brekkie! lots of fat burning i hope!!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

top running

Well wednesday pm brought a very determinded sng to try a continuous run no walk breaks just a run and i managed it! i stuck right to the plan and ran at 10min/mile pace for 30 mins and it felt GREAT!!!
i have a little discomfort in my hamstring again today but the knee gave me no probs whatsoever!!
diet was shit!-i tried a new method-the plan was 3 square meals which worked ok i didnt snack at all but the evening meal was huge!! i could have eaten a horse saddle en all!

so im trying again today no snacks again and i will try control the evening meal better its all been brought about by a book that im reading all about addictive over eating and for a change instead of reading it and brushing it to one side some of it makes sense and i want to try a few of the suggested methods

but i can see there will be problems as it changes a lot of the things i already do but im gonna try tie it in with the ww thing and see what happens
be good folks


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

good weigh in i hope

Well i weighed in at home last night which i do every week even if i go to ww so i have an indicator every week even if i can not afford to get weighed at ww anyway i waffle now!
weighed 11st8.5lb which would indicate a 1.5lb loss which im over the moon about
other half went to ww and weighed in 1 pound off goal so i will have to go with next week incase she kicks the ass out of that last pound!!she'd not speak for a week if i missed it!

no training yesterday apart from tomato pasta and some ice on my hamstring (v sore after saturdays run)

be good folks

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A sucessful few days

Well since my last blog i have had a good few days on all fronts!
i have dieted well(sorry eaten well!) and i have managed to exercise well including two good runs i did 40 mins run walk 7:1 session on saturday afternoon including some time on the pavement to try and break myself back into that and i was fairly quick too even though i had no intent to break any records!
i cross trained sunday and yesterday did a run walk session of three reps of 10:1 which felt ok but it was very hot!

food wise i have behaved reasonably well and stayed within points sat/sun/mon so pleased with that
ill weigh in at home tonight as i cant afford ww this week but we know how the scales compare so i will know where i am ill keep ya posted

be good sng

Saturday, September 09, 2006


well all was well until i finished work very late and the had to food shop at 8pm on a friday night so by the time this was done the rot had set in and we weakened ....... we weakened in the direction of the chinese takeaway and the offy so dinner was chicken n mushroom with chips and half a bottle of chardonay !!!!! bugger.
when i look at it and estimate points i probably wasnt a million miles away as id had little time to eat during the day but the guilt today drove me to 30 mins on the cross trainer before breakfast and il head out for a run/walk later on but i think all wil be ok
i have to start and realise these things are not totally out of order and that as long as i dont do it every day thay can form parrt of my diet but i tend to be a bit of an extremes person so im either dieting very wel or eating for england i must search for a happy medium and i think i am nearer than ive ever been before!!

7 weeks til the big day!

Friday, September 08, 2006


well only 7 weeks til my wedding which means there are only 7 weigh ins left at work at the moment the land lies like this- SNG 11lbs lost 9lbs to go COLLEAGUE 12lbs lost 12 to go
these figures may seem a little one sided but my colleague was starting from scratch and lost lots in the first 2 weeks where as i was coming off the back of 3 years of dieting and as we all know it does take some losing when youve already lost a lot!!
so the figures were worked out on this basis ie his target was 4 lbs higher to make it slightly fairer on me!

on the diet front ive done well this week apart from a slight fondant fancy blip last night but i hauled my but outta bed at 6 am this morn and paid that back on the cross trainer!!!!

on the exercise side nothing to report apart from a cross training session this am had yesterday as rest as i had the worst headache

anyway have a good weekend n be good!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another good run

Well wed night was a lovely little 3 mile run/walk effort off road round where i live and i really enjoyed it i gave the cross training a miss as i had a bad head which has got progressively worse today and now i feeel awful

went to fizzio this morning and was given the green light to build on the base i have put in place and still to take it steady but slowly remove the walking breaks which ihope to do in the next two weeks and then increase what im doing and venture on to hard surfaces for part of each run and aim to be running on the roads by mid october

diet wise been really good had a very low point day yesterday to try limit the damage i did(pigged out)on tuesday after weigh in and today back to normal points

be good folks

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

sucessful weigh in

Well i weighed in last night at ww and it was a sucess i managed to loose 2lb over the last fortnight so i was pleased with myself as over the past four weeks since the initial blip of having my knee done and not exercising as much ive managed 3and a 1/2 pound-so i gave myself a pat on the back with some choccie!!!!!

tonight i will repeat the run/walk session i did on mondat and maybe increase the cross training time to 20 min giving me a total of 50 mins exercised i will continue to build like this until i am doing two sessions a week of +/-80 mins a shorter 60 min session and a long session of +/-120 mins and as i go i will reduce the walking and the cross training until i am back to 4 reasonable running sessions a week and then start to throw the cross training back in on the rest days

all that said i am at the physio in the morning so its all dependant on that


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Decision made.....

Ive been keeping my fingers crossed for long enough but i think i have really been kidding myself that i could recover enough and be fit enough for the great north decision made and im going to defer my place for next year this said does not mean that my recovery isnt going brilliantly it just means i dont think im ready or will be ready to do half a marathon by 1st october.

I trained yesterday and it felt really good i did a 30 min run/walk session after a warm up on the cross trainer as it is going well i think i will do the harrogate theatre 10k on 17th sept ill run/walk it and just aim to get round then im looking to do the harewood 10 on the 8th october again run walk and just aim to finish.

ww weigh in to night so ill pop in tomorrow to post how it goes not sure what to expect this week its quite difficult to call when you only go every fortnight but needs must so byeeee BE GOOD

Monday, September 04, 2006


Well ive been slacking again ive let the blog slip a bit but im back with a breif report of the last few days on thursday i cross trained for a bit i really am flying with that building intensity and time and even throwing in a few intervals on friday again i headed off to the garage before bed for half an hr on the cross trainer saturday i did a steady 20 mins on the cross trainer and then i ran and it felt wonderful to get out for 25 mins in the pouring rain and plod!!! still did a run/walk effort just lengthened the running to 5 min reps with 1 min walks and really enjoyed it
sunday was back to the cross trainer and another half an hour done! today i will run again itll be a half hr session of run/walk and then some cross trainer to finish off with so thats the exercise out of the way on to the diet.........

on thursday i was very well behaved stuck to my points and the plan on friday i was still in the vein when disaster struck!!! i went to make a sandwich before work and the bloody bread was mouldy! and i was running late so headed to work with no lunch to speak of sent an sos to my mother and she said she would pop in with a sandwich so what did she turn up with???? the biggest bacon butty ever !! and proceeded to tell me that ive lost enough weight and not to be so obsessive!!!!well that set the ball rolling i ate the butty(i did remove the fatty bits)and then a bar of chocolate to top it off i was very dissapointed with myself
saturday was a new day and i started well and stuck to the plan and the points all day in the evening we went to a house warming party which we thought was just a few drinks but turned out to be a meal but we'd already eaten but had to be polite so ate food i didnt even want and a piece of cheescake that i couldnt say no too!!!
Yesterday was better i was at the high end of the points but still within but i feel like a bloody WHALE!!!!

well now ive got that off my chest ill go do some work

keep at and be good