Running from my Belly!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dont know what's going on with me at the moment but i feel eeuurrrggghhhhh! feel fat and bloated and really sick - just all the time - feel like i might have piled weight on this week and to be very honest i have eaten well and exercised regularly so would expect a loss
only weigh in will tell so roll on wed night then i can stop thinking about it for another week

will do some kettlebells later - upperbody with some swings thrown in - will detail work out later on


Monday, January 17, 2011

couple of runs and a trip to the tropics!

busy busy in my world - friday was a customer audit which is never easy as your under close scrutiny for a long period of time - but it went well and i had a successful day and no non conformances were raised against me or mine!

saturday brought the usual shopping trip in the am and a restful afternoon evening which included a run/walk -
4 x 3 min run/3 min walk + 1 x 6min run
it felt ok but i do have issues with my joints on the right side - both knee and hip niggle and i guess its just the weight im carrying but im in a viscious circle i need to run to help the weight loss but need to loose weight to enable me to run!!

sunday we headed to "tropical world" and we oohed and aaahhed at the all the butterflys fish and all - then moved onto the highlight of my trip - the meerkats - they are cute amazing little things and i could have watched them for hrs "simples"
Oliver loved all the animals but seemed a little unsure of the snakes and gave them a serious looking at!

work today and as ever - never really lifted my head all day - headed out for a run once i got home and repeated saturdays session - again felt ok fitness wise - yeah a bit breathless but hey im 3 stone over weight

on a food note i cooked a recipe from the new propoints recipe book tonight - peppers stuffed with lamb mince and a miriad of herb/spice and chilli and served with baby leeks and baby green cabbage - CRACKING!



Thursday, January 13, 2011

well thats christmas for you!!!!!!!!

thought id shove this picture in to remind me why i challenge myself to run and loose weight in the first place

went to weigh in last night and despite lots of hard work and eating like a saint since the 3rd Jan - i still managed to gain 2 1/2 pounds over three weeks! - no great surprise really but still disappointing and hopefully the kick in the pants i needed to get back on track.

didnt manage to get a run last night due to timing of the weigh in and the night time schedule of my boy - BUT will get out the door tonight and do last nights planned session.

and if time permits i will do some kettle bells aswell

audit at work tomorrow - so both diet and exercise will be a battle - food is provided for lunch and never really a sensible option and long day will probably scupper much running but ill catch up over the weekend if not

update - got my fat self out for a run/walk straight after work the plan said -
5 x 3min run / 3min walk
the actual - 4 x 3min run/ 3min walk + 6 min run

felt quite comfortable but also felt like i was not pushing as hard?? al be it unintetional

no weights but ill slip them in tomorrow somehow?


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

weigh day and maybe a run

my other ongoing battle beside fitness is battling the bulge - i am a habitual dieter who by default isnt very good at it!
if my frame of mind is right i can loose weight easily - but getting the right frame of mind is another thing
in november last year i decided the time was right and it was time to do something! after a summer of upset and difficult times (yvette spent 10 weeks in hospital and left me a single dad) i found myself 2 stone heavier than i was at the turn of the year!!!!!!!

so i went back to weightwatchers - its all changed but it still makes sense and it suits my way of thinking

in the 1st 6 weeks i lost 13 lbs which took me to christmas eve then christmas stuck - and i have to admit diet was the last thing on my mind - so i guess i gained a few lbs

tonight is first weigh in since and time to face the music!

i have had a couple of weeks to sort myself out but i think a gain is still on the cards - but hey ho you does the crime you got to do the time.

will try and squeeze in a run somewhere and something like this -

run 3 min walk 3 min and repeat x 5.

see ya SNG

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

no slipping and sore arms!

managed to get out for run last night and didnt break my neck! it wasnt without incident though - there was a bang (firework,car back firing ??) and the dog bolted for home - now even at my fittest i couldnt keep up with a scared sheep dog! but i ran back home and there she was shivering in the back garden - silly old sod gets scattier by the day.

did the kettlebell workout too - and after last weeks work out i upped the weight and the effort - and the result?? sore biceps/triceps !!

rest day today or maybe some more weights - but no run

ttfn sng

Monday, January 10, 2011

10/01/11 - todays training

Today is straight forward providing i dont break my neck on the bleeding ice!

walk 3 min / run 3 min / repeat x 5

depending how i get on i will do the following kettlebell work after my run or tomorrow evening

20 secs wk / 40 secs rest

single arm shoulder press l/r

single arm lat pull l/r

double arm tricep extension x 2

double arm bicep curl x 2

repeat the above twice

need to increase the work and lower the rest over the next few weeks - on both run and kettlebell workouts



And what have i done in 4 years??
My wife and i have started a family and have a beautiful little boy who is my pride and joy - not sure what we ever did with our lives before he came along! we are expecting another little one in 8 weeks and my god i cant wait!!

As for running from my belly - well thats another issue.

I continued to run through 2007 and early 2008 - got a place in london 2008 - and combined it with a a number of other marathons between april and june 2008 - the last been the whitepeak marathon in derbyshire - great day, great scenery and a cracking run until the last mile - which is a hell of a gradient down hill mid way down my achillies gave up the ghost , but with little control over my legs at that point i couldnt even pull up - so almost 3 years on and multiple attempts to start running again - I find myself almost at square one


2011 WILL be my year i WILL get back to it and after 4 short run/walk efforts so far this year im quite positive.

will use this blog to log training and thoughts and hopefully i will be able to track my progress through 2011 and beyond



Thursday, June 14, 2007


blogging has resumed elsewhere for now....
im giving it a go on the fetcheveryone runners website so if you want to catch up with the world of shortnginger look up the site and search for shortnginger where youll be able to read my mad ramblings............
ta ta for now (i may be back if i dont like it over there)
thanks for reading