Running from my Belly!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

well thats christmas for you!!!!!!!!

thought id shove this picture in to remind me why i challenge myself to run and loose weight in the first place

went to weigh in last night and despite lots of hard work and eating like a saint since the 3rd Jan - i still managed to gain 2 1/2 pounds over three weeks! - no great surprise really but still disappointing and hopefully the kick in the pants i needed to get back on track.

didnt manage to get a run last night due to timing of the weigh in and the night time schedule of my boy - BUT will get out the door tonight and do last nights planned session.

and if time permits i will do some kettle bells aswell

audit at work tomorrow - so both diet and exercise will be a battle - food is provided for lunch and never really a sensible option and long day will probably scupper much running but ill catch up over the weekend if not

update - got my fat self out for a run/walk straight after work the plan said -
5 x 3min run / 3min walk
the actual - 4 x 3min run/ 3min walk + 6 min run

felt quite comfortable but also felt like i was not pushing as hard?? al be it unintetional

no weights but ill slip them in tomorrow somehow?



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